A set of 10 printed postcards of my Berlin Angel with the Berlin TV Tower.
Ever since I moved to Berlin in 2014, I have been fascinated by the rich history and culture of this city. It has seen centuries of conflict, the rise and fall of kings, two world wars, and the construction and tearing down a wall meant to divide its people. Now it has come together stronger than ever as a hub of culture, polities, science and media.
In this digital age, it always feels nice to receive something personal and with a human touch in the post (instead of just bills or adverts). So whenever I travel, I always want to get nice postcards and share them with my friends and family. But the options I see in the stores are a bit uninspiring and don't feel very personal. So I decided draw my own postcards instead.
As an illustrator, I found my interest naturally gravitating towards the unique buildings and statues in Europe (and there are a lot!). My postcards are primarily black & white ink drawings, with a few color highlights.